QR Code Checklist.

There are some does and don’ts. For example a QR Code on your website, linking to the site itself will not generate more traffic to you site.

First decision is what to put into your QR Code.
A flyer containing a web link to a site is could generate traffic towards your site.
Since more that 95% of QR Codes are scanned by mobile phones, your site needs to be usable and readable on mobile devices.

This must be the case when you link to your home page, and also when you deep link to another part of you website. A deep link in your website could result in a very long url. The choice can be made to use a URL shortner for this. For example goo.gl and bit.ly.

Qr Codes could contain other information besides a web link. A good example is a phone number.
After scanning this QR-code, a smart phone can directly initiate a call to this number.

A email address is also one of the possibilities, after scanning this QR Code, a smart phone can automatically compose a message to the email address listed in the QR Code.

In the contact section of this site you can find QR Codes both containing and email and telephone number.

When placing a QR Code on a business card, all the information of the business card could also be placed in the QR Code. All contact information can be added to your smart phone and after synchronization with your desktop computer, the contact information is also part of your mail system.

Enhance the outlook of you QR Code! This is done by placing graphical content in your QR Code. This could be you logo, text. This site contains various examples of what is possible in the Gallery.

If a QR Code needs to be more that just a black and white pixel pattern, don’t hesitate to contact me to see what the possibilities are.